Neel Misciasci's portfolio

An overview of my main projects


Differentiable Physics: a learnable Physics solver

Chair for Graphics and Visualization, TU München

Classic physics optimization in a symmetric potential landscape. Two paths are available depending on the initialization (here shown lower path).
Supervised physics solver. Here shown 25 different paths differing by initial condition. Many paths are sub-optimal.
Differentiable physics solver solves the multimodality and chooses only one way paths. Zig-zags can be improved with hyperparameter tuning.


Optimization of Artificial Neural Networks: Cascade Correlation Algorithm

Vitesco GmbH and Chair of Numerical Mathematics, TU München

Cascor architecture adds a neuron every epoch and connects it to all previous neurons.
Results of prediction on test data.

Comparison of simple classifiers

Chair of Mathematical Modeling of Biological Systems, TU München

Results of classification for three different toy datasets.

Investigation of Silicon Properties using the Quantum Espresso simulation environment

Associate Professorship Simulation of Nanosystems for Energy Conversion, TU München

Silicon lattice (fcc).
Band structure simulation.
Density of states simulation.


Study of parameters that influence radiative transfer in the atmosphere

Condensed Matter Physics Group, Università degli Studi di Milano

Courtesy of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC): radiative forcing due to different types of aerosols. High error bars indicate that these effects are not known yet.
Downward irradiance percentage differences (horizontal axis) at different altitudes (vertical axis). We compare prolate and oblate shapes with a spherical reference shape: maximum at sea-level.